One sign of impending adulthood is that your Christmas wish list starts to look less like a letter to Santa (e.g. begging for a pony) and more like a sensible catalog of household items. Why not go for the best of both worlds and ask for (or gift to others) items that put the “fun” in functional?
Here’s my list of five fairly practical presents!
1. Terrycloth Headband – $7
If you find washing your face to be a total drag, this adorable cat-ear headband might just make you change your mind! Not only will it help you keep your hair dry as you go about your skincare regimen, it’s sure to put a smile on your face even on the earliest of mornings.
2. Pencil Pouch – $15
Treat yourself to a new pencil pouch emblazoned with the mantra of the stressed-out college girl, or gift it to that one friend who’s somehow involved in every single club on campus (or maybe that’s you!)
3. Desktop Organizer – $15
I could sing the praises of the Nate Berkus for Target home decor line all day, but I’ll save my commentary for this gorgeous, high quality organizer that looks way more expensive than it actually is. It’ll even make your collection of free pens that you got from campus events look fancy! Or you can jazz up your vanity and use it to store makeup brushes.
4. Portable Cell Phone Charger – $30
Okay, so I need one of these due to my still-going-strong Pokemon Go obsession, but really, is there anything worse than realizing that your phone is at 8% and nobody around you has a charger to lend? Stash this charger in your bag and you’ll never go phone-less again, since it can charge an iPhone 6s five times. Plus, it has two USB ports, so you can share with a friend!
5. Humidifier/Diffuser – $35
When the temperature drops, so does the moisture level of your skin, leaving you with dull, flaky patches and dry sinuses. Prevent these unpleasant effects by adding a humidifier to your room. Bonus points for one that’s aesthetically pleasing! (This humidifier is actually transparent/white, but it has a setting that makes it glow different colors.)
And now, for the wildly impractical…
6. Columbia Rogue One Jackets – $400-$500
To commemorate the upcoming Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Columbia is releasing an incredible limited edition line of jackets inspired by the costumes worn by characters Jyn Erso, Captain Cassian Andor, and the Death Troopers. If you’ve ever read my Geek Chic articles, you know that sci-fi + costumes is basically what I’m all about. Unfortunately, the price tag on these jackets keeps them solidly in the realm of fantasy. Still, though, a Star Wars fangirl can dream!
What did you think?
What “practical” gifts do you have on your wish list? Or what practical presents are you planning to gift? What’s your totally impractical dream gift? Let us know in the comments!
Oh my gosh I can’t believe I didn’t know about those rogue one jackets! I neeeeed one. Or three…