Everybody, it’s finally here! Diana Prince, a.k.a the iconic Wonder Woman, has now, for the first time since her creation, a big-screen movie of her very own!
Wonder Woman is one of THE must-see films of the summer, and to celebrate its release, here are some powerfully awesome Wonder Woman-themed accessories to wear to the theater or anywhere! They’re all sure to make you feel strong, confident, and heroic.
Table of Contents
Bow from Ella’s Beau Shop

Who says super heroes can’t be a little girly? Whoever they are, they’re wrong – girly girls run (and save) the world! ($6.50)
Upcycled Earrings from NC Sustainable Style
One way to help save the world, Diana Prince-style, is to purchase and wear eco-friendly sustainable jewelry and clothing. These cute earrings are a good way to start! ($8.50)
Inspirational Necklace from Hadas Kol Collection
Wonder Woman is a super hero who’s full of super inspiring quotes! Why not bring one of them around with you all day? ($14.95)
Cuff Bracelet from Geekocity Creations
“In a world of ordinary mortals, you are a Wonder Woman.”
Wear this to remind yourself that you are anything but ordinary! ($13.00)
Wrap-Around Bracelet from Gothic Gifts
Because “you fight like a girl!” is not an insult. ($8.00)
“Amazing Amazon” Necklace from Geek Galaxy Designs
Even though you’re not an Amazon, this necklace will remind you that you’re still pretty amazing. ($16.95)
Ring from Inked Vixen Boutique
This super cute ring is a neat little shout-out to Lynda Carter, the Wonder Woman who started it all. ($10.00)
Guitar Pick Earrings from It’s Your Pick Too
These earrings rock!
…sorry, bad pun, couldn’t resist. ($7.00)
Upcycled Dog Tag from Amanda Lynn Chainmail
Another upcycled jewelry piece- this time from an actual comic book! How geekily cool is that? ($6.00)
Pin from Darryl Young Design
When America needs Wonder Woman, she’s always there – even in the White House! ($2.50)
What do you think?
Which of these accessories is your favorite, and do you plan on buying any? Have you seen Wonder Woman yet? What did you think (no spoilers!) ?
Leave me a comment below, and don’t forget to share this article! Until then, I have to be off in my invisible jet…what? If Wonder Woman can have one, I can have one!