Last week, we covered the American revolutionaries (and male stars) of the hit musical Hamilton to celebrate its recent success at the Tony’s, and Lin-Manuel Miranda’s final show. (Before that, there was Part 1 and Part 2 of our original Hamilton fashion series.) Now, we’ve got the final article on this show, starring Broadway’s most fashionable ladies!
Table of Contents
“What’d I Miss?”
Need a refresher on what’s been going on in the fabulous world of Hamilton since our last article? Say no more! In Part One, we covered Hamilton’s revolutionary heroes, from Alexander himself to his political rival, Thomas Jefferson, to his actual rival, Aaron Burr.
For Part Two, we’re introducing the ladies of Hamilton along with one distinguishable guest (hint: he’s really into tea). Luckily for us girls, each one of these characters is complex and well-written, as befits these important players in America’s revolution.
Keep reading to see five easy-breezy looks inspired by Hamilton!
Angelica Schuyler Church
“I’m a girl in a world in which / My only job is to marry rich / My father has no sons so I’m the one / Who has to social climb for one” (Satisfied)
Products: Top, Blazer, Jeggings, High Heels, Passport Holder
Angelica Schuyler Church is a bona fide feminist. If she had been born in present-day America, Angelica surely would have used her strong mental prowess and knack for social climbing to become a powerful businesswoman, leading a Fortune 500 company with her brilliant “mind at work”. As such, she still slays in the 1800s, being a proponent of women’s rights and patron and muse of many.
In the show, Angelica is really close to brother-in-law Alexander Hamilton; they constantly exchange written correspondence which may or may not contain serious flirtation in the form of a comma before “my dearest”. Though the true nature of her relationship with her brother-in-law is uncertain, one thing is for sure: Angelica’s loyalty is always towards her sister Eliza, whom she blindly supports in the Reynolds Pamphlet affair.
For a look inspired by Angelica’s bold and intellectual nature, dress like you’re in between an office meeting and date night, mixing professional attire with casual, edgy pieces. It’s career chic at its finest.
Establish street cred first by wearing dark jeggings and an NYC crop top (remember: Angelica’s proud of belonging to the “greatest city in the world”). Afterwards, throw on an elegantly cut white blazer and orange high heels, the latter representing her signature color in “The Schuyler Sisters”. The final accessory, symbolic of Angelica’s migration to London after her marriage and her status as globe-trotter, is a world map passport holder.
Last piece of advice? Your look isn’t complete without a notebook and pen to take down your impressive ideas!
Eliza Schuyler Hamilton
“I put myself back in the narrative / I stop wasting time on tears / I live another fifty years / It’s not enough” (Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story)
Products: Dress, Cardigan, Sneakers, Scarf, Hair Bow, Bracelet, Earrings
Eliza Schuyler Hamilton is a secret powerhouse and backbone of the entire show. Like her husband Alexander, Eliza’s got her own fire burning (“let me be a part of the narrative”), but it remains largely undetected for the majority of the show because she’s just so darn humble and nice. However, after overcoming the death of a son, public scandal over her husband’s infidelity, and widowhood, Eliza eventually grabs the reins on the family legacy and makes sure that Hamilton’s name lives on.
More importantly, Eliza goes beyond the call of duty and devotes herself entirely to promoting abolitionism and child welfare, even starting up the very first private orphanage in New York City. Though Eliza never tries to “grab the spotlight” like her husband, her work behind-the-scenes is every bit as important and noteworthy as his; after all, there’s a reason the show is called Hamilton, not Alexander Hamilton.
For a look inspired by Eliza’s inner goodness and charitable personality, dress modestly and use soft, pastel tones. Try to stick with robin’s egg blue if possible, as soft green is Eliza’s signature color.
First, put on a sweet teal dress and layer it up with a scarf (tie it any way you want) and a light cardigan. Follow up this sweet look by pinning on an oversized hair bow, white sneakers, and gold jewelry. While the pearl earrings are a nod to Eliza’s upper-class background, the bracelet says “heart of gold,” representing her commitment to loved ones and important societal causes.
Last piece of advice? Think about buying items at the thrift store to support sustainability – Eliza, with her charitable nature, would approve.
Peggy Schuyler
“Daddy said to be home by sundown / (Daddy doesn’t need to know) / Daddy said not to go downtown / (Like I said, you’re free to go)” (The Schuyler Sisters)
Products: Dress, Socks, Ballet Flat, Necklace, Earrings
Peggy Schuyler is a total daddy’s girl and she’ll never let you forget it. She’s also the youngest sister and really cute, always trailing after Angelica and Eliza and filling in the harmony to “The Schuyler Sisters”. Though we don’t really hear much about her after this little ditty, Peggy remains in our hearts as the sweet “other” sister to Angelica and Eliza, kind of like the Elizabeth Olsen to Mary-Kate and Ashley (although Lizzie is breaking out on her own these days!).
For a look inspired by Peggy’s sunny personality, you’ll have to find your girliest pieces and rock them like it’s a Sunday mornin’. Also, remember that Peggy’s signature color is bright yellow, so you’ve gotta be true to her color if you’re in the imitation game. Got it? Good!
Now, start off with yellow dress, babydoll style because Peggy is the baby of her family. Then, put on some lacy over-the-knee socks and plain yellow sneakers to up the look from basic to dreamy. Finally, complement this basic attire with some dainty jewelry, like a bib necklace (yup, still with the baby theme) and silver heart earrings.
Last piece of advice? Stick with a flower motif if you can—they represent Peggy’s innocence and youth.
Maria Reynolds
“I know you are a man of honor / I’m so sorry to bother you at home / But I don’t know where to go, and I came here all alone…” (Say No To This)
Products: Crop Top, Leggings, Ankle Booties, Bag, Ring, Pin
Maria Reynolds is Hamilton’s mistress and Monica Lewinsky’s historical counterpart. With the sultry call of a siren and the emotional fragility of an abused wife, she’s one tough cookie to figure out. On one hand, Maria uses her feminine, shall we say, charms to seduce Hamilton into an extramarital affair, the result of which leads to heartbreak for Eliza and political distress for Hamilton. (Speaking of the latter, you never really know how far she’s entrenched in her husband’s blackmailing scam—Maria’s transition from “I don’t know about any letter!” to “I didn’t know any better” implies some sense of guilt after the fact.)
On the other hand, Maria doesn’t get much of a say in “Say No To This”. All we hear from her after the seduction are helpless pleas (“please don’t leave me with him”) for emotional and financial support. For all we know, Maria’s only looking for physical comfort from a “beatin’,” “cheatin’,” and “mistreatin'” spouse and happens to find it in the arms of Hamilton. True, it’s morally questionable, but she does score major pity points for her messed-up home life.
For a look inspired by Maria Reynolds’ seductive energy and double-sided personality (conniving mistress vs. desperate lover), put on plenty of rouge and be prepared to make everyone do a double-take.
Start the night off right by pairing a bright red crop top with skin-tight leggings that don’t leave much to the imagination. Remember, hearts aren’t the only thing you’ll be stomping on tonight—a pair of ankle booties are essential to playing up the sexy look. Then, amp up the seductress qualities with a lip pin, a ruby red ring, and a bag reminiscent of Maria’s atrociously written love letters to Hamilton.
Last piece of advice? Keep a heart theme going on, symbolizing Maria Reynold’s status as Hamilton’s lusty paramour.
King George III
“You’ll be back, soon you’ll see / You’ll remember you belong to me / You’ll be back, time will tell / You’ll remember that I served you well” (You’ll Be Back)
Products: Shirt, Jacket, Shorts, Shoes, Sunglasses, Bow Tie, Charm
King George III is the psycho ex-boyfriend you pray you’ll never have. Luckily for us Americans, despite King George’s passive-aggressive assurances that “you’ll be back,” he never gets bae (America) and ends up sipping tea all by his lonesome. Though King George is really clingy and smug, his British Invasion beats and dry imitation of American enthusiasm (“Awesome! Wow”!) endear him to us all.
For a look inspired by King George III’s aristocratic background, you’ll want to go overboard on preppy style. The stuffier the brand, the better: your boy George here wouldn’t be caught dead strutting around in anything cheaply made.
Channel his frat boy vibes by tucking in a crisp white shirt under brightly colored shorts and popping on a brilliant navy blazer. Then, go ahead and accessorize with a stiff bow tie, heart-shaped glasses, and boat shoes (for a well-dressed entrance onto that fully-armed battalion, of course). The piece de resistance? A London travel charm, to commemorate a time before America’s so-called “estrangement” (AKA the American Revolution).
Last piece of advice? Use the colors red, white, and blue (or a variation of each, like pink instead of red) in your outfit to pay homage to the Union Jack!
“One Last Time”
If you haven’t already done so, feel free to scroll back to our last article on the men of Hamilton. Also, go ahead and spread the Hamilton love by sharing this article with your besties and fellow pop culture addicts.
For more in-depth information on the award-winning costume design of Hamilton, Tyranny of Style’s got a great article referencing fashion inspiration, color palettes, and early costume sketches. Check it out!
Finally, let us know what you think by leaving a comment down below—like Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda, we love to hear back from smart and opinionated young women!
Angelica’s is so perfect!