There comes a time in the life of every college student’s life when we’re faced with the inevitable: the library. I’m not talking about a trip to check out a few books for a research paper — I’m talking a full-on, day-long, marathon study session at the library.
Whether you’ve got an insane midterm schedule or you just procrastinated on a project, you’re bound to spend some time in the library during your college career. And while the library isn’t a fashion show, there’s no reason you should show up in sweatpants, UGGs, and a ratty t-shirt. After all, when you’re dressed in sleepwear, it’s that much easier to daydream about your cozy bed!
The key to dressing for the lib is to find a balance between comfort and “real” clothes. You want to make sure that you feel motivated to tackle your workload but are comfortable enough to stay seated for at least a few hours. Read on for some tips to make dressing for a study session a little easier.
Table of Contents
Tips on Dressing for the Library
- If you’re going to wear leggings, be sure they’re THICK and that you wear a long top. If you only take one thing away from this article, let it be this. I (gasp!) don’t see anything wrong with wearing leggings as pants… as long as the leggings are very opaque and thick enough to give you coverage. And when in doubt, it’s always better to go with a top or cardigan that goes well past your butt.
- Keep the “loud” accessories to a minimum. Those bangles that let everyone know when you’re half a mile away? That charm bracelet that jingles every time you move a finger? Leave those in your dorm room. Loud jewelry is annoying to everyone else in the library, and I personally always have to take off my wrist jewelry whenever I’m working at a computer for a long time. Accessorize with earrings, necklaces, or scarves instead.
- Wear shoes you can slip in and out of easily. Again, maybe this is just my personal preference, but I love to sit cross-legged or stretch out in chairs when I’m studying. By wearing shoes or boots that don’t have straps or zippers, you can easily switch study positions as often as you like.
- Dress in layers. The library thermostat at my college is notoriously bipolar. One floor is like the Sahara, and the very next floor feels like Antarctica. To combat this, wear layers! Tank tops, cardigans, and scarves will help you stay stylish and able to focus on your work no matter what the temperature is.
Outfit 1: Cozy Colors
Cardigan, Leggings, Tank, Satchel, Boots, Necklace
Outfit 2: Comfy Classics
Tee, Jeggings, Jacket (similar style), Scarf, Earrings, Flats, Bag
Outfit 3: Studious in Stripes
Tank, Sweater, Pants, Glasses, Shoes, Backpack
What Do You Think?
What do you wear for a day at the library? Do you have any tips for dressing for study success? What kind of activities would you like to see covered in “What to Wear There?” I’d love to hear from you, so be sure to leave a comment!
Haha, one of the things on my College Bucket List was to kiss a boy in the library stacks! This definitely would not have been possible in a scrubby pair of sweatpants…lol!
I agree about the leggings thing too! As long as your butt is cover, it’s comfy and cute. I hate when I see girls wear leggings with just a regular sized American Apparel v-neck though…aren’t they concerned about camel toes? Hehe!
Outfit number 1 needs a scarf! Leaning forward studying in that top will give the rest of the library a prime view of your bellybutton 😉 …and the necklace will make a racket every time you move.
I love the third outfit!
I love them!!! Can u do goth outfits
This is a GREAT POST I agree w/h the legginigs and long cardi thing!!!! It my fall fave go-to comfy outfit so far!!!! These posts are much more relatable!! Keep posting more!
I used to extend my disdain for leggings as pants to jeggings, but I read your article in the library yesterday while wearing skinny jeans which were getting more annoying and uncomfortable by the second. I dug up my one pair of jeggings, wore them today, and found my new love. Maybe I’ll come around to leggings.
Also, that tank in the first outfit is really cute. I wish it was still in stock in my size (and didn’t exceed my clothing budget for the semester).
I wear outfit number one on a regular basis. It is really comfy and not so scholarly looking, which helps if cute guys are around.
Perfect outfits. Slam dunk, CF!
The first and second looks are my favorite! Preppy chic and totally comfy! And I totally agree with nixing loud accessories. Nothing is more annoying than hearing the clicking of heels as someone walks down the stairs!
Great post! I love the tips, and outfit #3 is so cute 🙂
Maxi skirts. I have a jersey maxi skirt, a slightly sheen-y cotton, grey with a pink colorblocked rim around the very bottom, and it is my new sweatpant replacement. Since I never wear sweatpants outside my apartment, I have been revelling in long, comfortable hours in the library in my new skirt. It feel like wearing a giant T-shirt, but looks so much more graceful than that! I didn’t think I could do maxis since I’m petite and my style is very un-hippie, but it totally works and I quite addicted to it. Three nights last week, reading in the library in maxi-mum comfort and style.
I love this post! I hate it when people are in the library wearing pajamas (okay, fine, finals week is the one freebie)…it’s not your room, it’s a public place! All of these outfits are cute, cozy, and just as comfy as those icky pajamas.
P.S. My library has mostly hard, wooden chairs so sometimes I’ll bring an extra sweatshirt with me, not to wear, but so I can fold it up and use it as a seat cushion.
Outfit #1 I have worn almost everyday this semester, but with ballet flats thanks to my numerous dance classes. So cosy, so happy!
This is so nice considering I spend a lot of time in the library! Outfit three is my favorite 🙂