This is a public service announcement for your own fashion good: If you have any self respect at all, please stop wearing your pajamas to class.
I’m assuming right now that most girls who read this site aren’t the type to just roll out of bed and walk to class without so much as glancing in a mirror. Nonetheless, we all have our lazy days, we all stay up late studying, and we all experience those awful Friday mornings after Thursday nights out. Still, these are NOT good excuses to wear sloppy, unwashed sleepwear in a public setting.
It doesn’t matter if you wake up with 5 minutes to get ready and throw on the rattiest jeans you own with a hoodie, or just a pair of sweats if it means you aren’t wearing your PJ’s to class. Any semblance of normal clothing is better than wearing pajamas in a classroom. It’s beyond disrespectful to your professor, as well as your fellow classmates.
Illinois State University agrees with me. Starting this semester, students majoring in Marketing or Education will be required to adhere to a business casual dress code in class at all times.
According to the University’s studies of classes with required dress codes, “professionalism exhibited in the class led to a better learning environment, students being better prepared for class, and students being more respectful of one another.”
If you want to look cuter in general or just want to pass your classes at Illinois State, please remember the following advice: Pajamas = cute for sleeping and lounging around the dorm. PLEASE, NO for going out in public!
I think it looks fine. Looking put together is not the same as looking good. Not in the least. The point is to look attractive, comfortable, and fitting to your personality. looking like you care is really not on the list. I have seen girls look gorgeous with unstyled hair, no make up, pj bottoms, Uggs and a t shirt. So I would definitely do it. What do I care about your rules if these rules do not help me. What exactly will be wrong with doing this? that kid even looks cute.
I won’t wear pajamas to class. I did on occasion as a freshman before I really had my act together, but eventually realized what it looked like and stopped. I’m a senior now, and have since learned that I’m more awake, focused and prepared when I’ve taken the time to put on an outfit, whether it’s cute or just a top and jeans, or even yoga pants. When I’m in pajamas, I look like I’m just taking it easy, and that’s not the message I want to send to my professors (who have taken the time to dress up for their professional jobs.)
And honestly, using a difficult major as an excuse not to get dressed strikes me as much more “snobby” than claiming that getting dressed in the morning matters. Yes, some majors at some colleges are easier, but there are plenty of tough, demanding majors other than science ones. I’m an English major who reads hundreds of pages every two days and puts out a couple big papers every week; often I’m up reading and writing into the morning, weekdays and weekends alike. And I still manage to shower and dress myself daily, as does my apartmentmate who studies veterinary science. It can take between five and ten minutes if you step on it. Sure, everyone has off days, but there is no way your major is so hard that you don’t have time to get dressed. You sleep and eat, don’t you? Put clothes on too.
Omg are there actually people in THE states who wear pjs?? Thats just plain horrible! Sure we dutchees wear sweatpants to school from time to time, but stil. Btw i’m from Holland.
I agree. Something about people wearing PJs to class grosses me out. I don’t mind sweats, but PJ… I guess because usually they are thinner material than sweats too, and completely inappropriate for class… It’s like, “hey I just woke up and went to class, who knows if I showered or not. If I didn’t my thin layer of fabric will definitely not keep in the stench”
i think the whole pjs to school thing isnt for me, just cause i cant pull it off,but if you can pull it off i think its a cute look exspecally for school.BUT i agree you do look way more professional not wear pajamas to school but its whatever floats your boat!!(:
I can agree that wearing pajama’s to class is a big NO. They look sloppy and like you don’t really care about the course. Another thing that bothers me is guys who wear pajama pants hanging halfway off their bum. I mean, what kind of message are you sending to your professors or anyone else who happens to see you in the hall? I live across town and bike to my campus and have to be there at 8 am every day. I manage to put on jeans and a cute top before I leave the house, even if I wake up 5 mins before I have to leave. Image is important in college. We’re here to learn how to be adults, so people need to start dressing like one!
Ok…the only time i feel that anyone should wear pajamas out is when they are getting “dolled up”. take for example. My wedding day i wore a pair of pajama pants and a reallly really loose t-shirt because I didn’t want my hair to mess up when i went to put the dress on. for the pants…ok..i wore heart pants but i wanted to be comfy on my wedding day before i got into the heels.
btw..if u are ever in a wedding or a bride. buy some old navy flip flops in the color of the dress when u are dancing. prevents u from stepping on anything and u dont have to wear heels. (prom too)
ok, im not a college student, im actually in 8th grade, but i always read collgefashion.net because it has really cool ideas!
i totally agree with the whole pajamas to class, but i do wear pajamas when its “pajama day” in my school, a little ritual we do once a year. but its not like i dress sloppy. i usually wear cute Victorias Secret PINK pjs with a cute top and a hoodie with my Crochet Uggs( luv them!). But on regular days, i am usually very put together, and sometimes i use collegefashion.net’s tips and ideas.
sounds to me like you are all a bunch of snobs. what are yall majors, business, Public relations, all of that other easy stuff? Well hardcore female science majors don’t have time to get all fancy just for a class where even the professor is dressed very casually. Ocassionaly i (like half of my campus) will wear pjs to class and no one cares and no one is offended. I remember one girl in my lab that got all dressed up every time well she ended up ruining her fancy clothes (HELLO there are chemicals and other gross things in a lab) and not doing too well in the lab. I don’t think someone who is wearing pjs are “wasting everyones time” especially if that person makes a good grade!
Im not a fashionista… i read this site to learn about it. However, i would NEVER go to school in PJ, even though i dont have much pretty clothes (im a little like amanda in “The Devil Wears Prada” (not as pretty))… BUT NEVER PJ
What’s worse, is that at my college a large number of girls will come in to class with their sweatpants tucked in to their Uggs! UGH
So agree with the against idea of wearing sweats and pjs to class = Laziness, scruffines..
Just wondering – where is everyone else from, and is this a common “trend” on your college campuses? I’m from Northern California, and not only is NorCal one of the most chill states in the U.S. (aside from, say, Hawaii), I also attend UC Berkeley, which is even more relaxed in its fashion atmosphere. As such, even professors don’t necessarily “dress up” for class (lots of them just wear t-shirts and jeans/shorts to lectures), and I’ve definitely seen people wearing PJs to class for a long time, all the time. I mean, we have homeless people wandering around campus in grungy jeans, old jackets, and rain boots in summer and many, many college geeks with no fashion sense, who don’t even care what they’re wearing, so that sometimes even the people wearing PJs look more put-together than them.
Personally, I wouldn’t wear PJs to class (except maybe super-comfy sweats/jazz pants on test days), but I guess as someone from NorCal, it’s not that big of a deal to me.
Chelsea Rae – Awesome, I’m so glad somebody agrees with me here! There are times when I feel like so many girls don’t understand the ugliness of this “trend.” And you are completely right about these people trying to send the message that they “could care less”, but really – is that a good thing?
Meg – Seriously, it’s sooo disrespectful to the teacher! These people go out of their way to prepare all this stuff for you, they have to dress up every day, and then they have to teach to a room of half-asleep pajama-wearing 20 year olds? Come on. It’s so rude.
Celeritas – Haha, I know right! It always freaks me out when I see people asleep a the library in their pj’s… it’s like, don’t you have somewhere to go? Just being at the library isn’t gonna make you smarter, you have to actually be doing something.
I completely agree about not wearing pajamas to class, and this goes for any student. We all realize you’re trying to say you could care less about looking great because “its just school”, but pajamas? There’s a difference between not caring about what you wear to school and not caring what you look like ever, and PJs crosses the line. Sorry!
Rant over…