Most schools in the United States have winter break around this time, although that creates the question, “what am I supposed to do with my winter break once the holidays are over?”
Many of us have jobs that keep us busy over break, but there’s still a lot of downtime that can get, well, boring. To help you enjoy this time to the fullest, I’ve put together some of the best winter break activities to beat that boredom. Now you won’t be wishing for classes to start back up right after your holidays are over.
I divided the activities into a few categories: outdoor activities and indoor activities.
Table of Contents
Outdoor activities
If you live somewhere that’s cold outside and has snow on the ground right now you may be wondering if it’s possible to have fun outdoors in this not-so-pleasant-weather. In fact, the snow and cold can make for some of the most entertaining activities!
Here are some of my favorites to make you feel like a kid again.
Related reading: The Ultimate Winter Break Packing List
1. Go sledding
I love sledding. I used to do it as a kid and I did it again last year with some friends at night. It was so surprisingly fun!
Pro tip: Layer up as much as you can — sledding can get pretty cold, especially if you get covered in snow like we did. Plus, sometimes you fall off and you need the extra padding. Bonus points if you have ski gear you can wear to stay dry!
2. Build a snowman
This one may seem a little bit childish, but I swear someone makes one every year at our college. It’s always nice to walk past it on your way to class or wherever you’re going — smiles are guaranteed. You can absolutely do this at home, too.
They’re also a lot of fun to make with friends — the sillier you make yours, the better.
3. Go ice-skating
I haven’t been ice-skating in a really long time. I used to go with my family when I was younger, and I am vowing to go again this break.
Around the holidays, many cities have pop-up outdoor ice rinks. Often if your town has a hockey team there’s an indoor ice rink, and they probably have a free-skate time where you can go and skate for a low price.
I will warn you though — I have found that the outdoor rinks usually have much rougher ice than the indoor rinks. This can make it a bit harder to glide or build up speed. It’s all down to your preference, though! Either way, you’ll have a blast.
Also Read: 5 Winter Day Trips to Try This Year (& What to Wear!)
4. Have a snowball fight
Another classic to make you feel like a kid again. I do this all time with my SO, especially if it’s snowing. We’re both really competitive so by the time we’re done both of us are covered in snow.
I will advise you to avoid throwing snow balls at the face/head though. My mom always had this rule when my brother and I used to do this because she once got cut by some ice in a snowball. Safety aside, this is a solid rule to keep your snowball fight fun and lighthearted.
5. Make snow angels
This is one of the most classic winter break activities out there. I love making snow angels. It’s another cute thing to do with your significant other, as well! Warm up with some hot cocoa when you’re done.
Indoor activities
If the weather outside is frightful or there’s just not enough snow for the above activities, you can always stay inside and keep yourself entertained with a few of the winter break activities listed below.
6. Read a book
I think we’ve all probably had a few books on your shelves that we’ve just never gotten around to reading. I know I’m guilty of that. (What is it with fun reading going out the window once we get to college?)
Over my winter break, I’m vowing to read at least one new book. If you already read a lot you could try and venture outside of your comfort zone and read something that you wouldn’t normally try. Or give yourself a reading goal of a few books and see how you do!
7. Bake something (especially cookies)
I love baking which is probably why I add it as an activity on all of my lists for things to do. Baking Christmas cookies is a tradition in my family. It’s always really nice to spend the day making treats and bonding. We also always have Christmas music on in the background, and end up making way more than we need.
If you don’t want to bake, but still want a sweet treat, you could always buy a gingerbread house kit and put that together.
Pro tip: Buy one of these from a local store if you can so you don’t have to worry about it breaking during shipment.
8. Start a new show
Okay, you knew this one was coming. I couldn’t make a list of winter break activities without every college student’s favorite — Netflix.
I’m always really excited when I find something new to watch — especially if I actually have time to marathon watch and get into it. This is rarely the case at school, so I’m excited to dive into some new shows this break.
Need some help choosing what to watch? Metacritic reviews absolutely everything on streaming, while this list of sites will give you ideas for what to watch next based on your existing preferences.
9. Start a new hobby
If you have an activity that you’ve always wanted to try, but never had the time to start, now is that time.
Winter break is a long stretch of time, which makes it the perfect chance to learn a new skill or start a new hobby. Pinterest and YouTube have tutorials for basically anything you can ask for if you don’t know where to start.
10. Create your new years resolutions
Last but not least, New Years happens during winter break, so I recommend spending at least a little bit of time planning out your resolutions. If you’re really passionate about any of them, you can also start them before New Years.
While you’re planning, be sure to make a mood board — this can contain your goals for the new year, a new style you want to take on, or just some inspirational quotes to get your motivation up.
Benefits of Winter Break Activities
- Stress Relief: Engaging in some fun winter break activities allows you to unwind and alleviate the stress built up during the academic year. You might not even realize how stressed you’ve been until you get out there and unwind..
- Quality Time: Making plans over break is a chance to bond with family and friends, fostering stronger relationships and creating cherished memories.
- Physical Activity: Outdoor activities like sledding and ice-skating keep you active, promoting a healthy lifestyle. It’s so easy to get stuck inside in winter, but you’ll feel way better if you venture out!
- Mental Well-being: Winter break activities can boost your mood, helping you maintain a positive mindset during the colder months.
- Personal Growth: Exploring new hobbies and reading can lead to personal development and self-discovery. There’s no better time to explore your interests than during break.
- Warmth and Comfort: Indoor activities provide a cozy and comforting atmosphere, perfect for relaxation.
What do you think of these winter break activities?
What are your favorite winter break activities? Are you reading over the break? Have you ever built a gingerbread house?