Grades are posted. I’m back in Minnesota. The book lists for next semester are up. It’s official – I’m done with my first semester of college!Â
It’s hard to wrap my mind around how much has changed since I first started this column back in July. I began as an eager high school graduate excited to decorate dorm rooms, pack for college, and finish the summer in style. I didn’t know what struggles I would encounter in the next four months or who I would meet along the way. I was about to embark on the greatest adventure of my life and I had no idea what would happen!
Today, as I reflect back on my entire first semester experience, I’m grateful for every second at Northeastern. I’m thankful for the chance encounters that lead to new friendships, the wild weekends, the academic challenges, and all of my mistakes. Each moment at school has defined who I am today and I wouldn’t change a thing.
For my final post, I want to share all the miscellaneous pieces of advice that didn’t make it into any of my past posts. From changing a major to choosing laundry bin, here are my final thoughts on my Freshman Experience.
Table of Contents
1. It’s Okay to Change Your Major
In high school, I tended to jump from activity to activity, and interest to interest. I would become absolutely dedicated to, say, music, and then the next moment I would be devoted to lacrosse. For my last two years of high school, I was dead set on becoming a CEO after graduating college with a business degree.
Halfway through my first college semester, however, I came to a frightening realization: business wasn’t the right major for me. I hated my calculus class, couldn’t stand microeconomics, loathed discussing supply chain management, and was sick of hearing about maximizing profits. I missed writing and creating and I was losing my mind!
I talked to friends, visited career services, and discussed my problem with my academic advisor. After a few weeks, many breakdowns, and a lot of chocolate, I finally decided to switch to communications studies. Next semester I’m taking classes that I find fascinating! It’s been a rough transition, but I’m glad that I made my decision.
2. Reinventing Yourself is Harder Than it Seems
I, like many girls, was all ready to go to college and eliminate all of my faults. I wanted to be the fun, outgoing, smooth, confident, organized girl. I figured that if I tried hard enough to erase my past, I could easily reinvent my whole personality.
I was wrong: You can’t just reinvent yourself overnight. After starting college, I found myself blending in and not acting like myself. For the first few weeks of school I felt as if very few people knew who I actually was. I felt like I was having an identity crisis! If I didn’t know who I was or who I wanted to be, how could other people even start to know me?
Over the past six weeks, I’ve become more settled. I’ve stopped trying to be someone I’m not; as a result, I’ve made new friends and found amazing, like-minded people. It’s tempting to go into college with the mindset that it will be completely different from high school. However, by staying true to yourself and embracing your character, the transition from high school to college will be easier, happier, and much more natural.
3. You’ll Get Homesick
This summer, I was so ready to go to college. My best friends had already finished their freshman years at school, and I felt so prepared for university life. I didn’t worry about being homesick or missing high school – I was just ready to leave.
Not surprisingly, I did get homesick. I ended up coming home on a long weekend before Thanksgiving because I just needed to see my family. I visited my high school and found myself getting nostalgic.
No matter how ready you are to leave, you’re going to miss home. You’ll miss the familiarity and the stability, home-cooked meals and pets. It’s natural and it happens to everyone. One of my remedies was to get together with some friends and just talk about home. We opened Google Maps, toured our hometowns, and gushed about where we grew up. It helped, as did the realization that my family is always just a phone call away.
Miscellaneous Freshman Year Lessons Learned:
- Laundry bin or fold-up hamper? I’d go with the bin (or buy backup hampers). My collapsible hamper broke halfway through the semester and now doing laundry is a pain.
- Small notebooks work best. This semester I’ve carried around multiple 5-subject notebooks. Truth be told, you don’t need that much paper. One small notebook per class will do fine.
- Make a budget. The first semester of college is incredibly expensive. It’s hard to get used to having that much freedom; be careful with your money.
- Carry around a flash drive. It’s super convenient; whether for printing emergencies or music sharing, a USB is a lifesaver.
- Try to develop a routine. Staying busy and having a regular schedule will help prevent homesickness.
- Get involved in activities outside of your major. I’m currently living in a dorm that houses mostly business students, and I had the same people in the majority of my classes. So I always get excited when I meet students outside of the College of Business Administration. College is about getting outside your comfort zone, so try to branch out and get involved.
- It’s okay to be undeclared. A part of me wishes that I had started out undeclared so that I got my generals out of the way. Unfortunately, my switch from business to communications means that I wasted credits this semester.
- Do the readings, use the study guides, and go to study groups. Professors want you to succeed; stay on top of schoolwork and utilize all your resources.
- Buying textbooks is expensive. This semester I’m going to rent mine from school and save some cash. I already regret buying all of my first-semester textbooks – when will I ever need Principles of Microeconomics or Calculus for Business and Economics again?
- Don’t try to compare your experience with your friends’ experiences. Looking at Facebook pictures and stalking ex-classmates will only create unhealthy competition. After all, it’s easy to assume that everybody is having the time of their lives when you only see their most flattering snapshots and glowing wall posts.
- Know that you’ll change. I came back from school and I already saw a difference in myself. This change is natural; just try to make sure that you’re changing in a positive manner.
- Stay positive. Being a positive influence on those around you will only draw people closer to you. Although it can be hard sometimes, staying optimistic is key to having a fun experience.
- Try new things! College is a time to experiment and learn about yourself. Don’t be afraid to audition for a play or pick up a new sport.
- Explore locations away from campus. Whether that means exploring a small college town or a big city, it can be exciting to get to know your surroundings. One of my goals for next semester is to explore Boston even more.
- Don’t rush into a relationship. You have four years to date as much as you want – make sure you take the time to embrace your freedom and really get to know people before making any hasty decisions.
- On the weekends, always go out with someone you trust. In a new place with new people, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle and potentially put yourself in an unsafe situation. Develop a system or a set of guidelines before you go out with your friends.
I could go on for pages about what I have learned and how I have changed over the past four months, but I’ll leave it at this: I’ve been so grateful to have the opportunity to share my first semester of college with so many amazing readers. I want to thank you all for your encouraging comments, words of advice, and personal experiences that you have shared with me since July. Good luck to all of you, and I wish you the best in all your future endeavors!
More Freshman Year Tips & Tricks
This article is part of our Freshman Experience series. For more, see: 8 Week Countdown, College Orientation, Tips & Tricks for Meeting the Roommate, Dorm Room Shopping Tips, First Semester Goals, College Packing List, Getting Involved on Campus, 4 Ways to Ease Midterm Stress, College Misconceptions & Ask a Freshman, Freshman Year Questions – Answered, Thanksgiving Break Essentials, Tackling Holiday Shopping in College, and First Semester Goals Revisited.
You Turn!
The end of the semester is here and we’re done for a few weeks. Time to relax, unwind, and reflect back on the past few months. For me, it has been an amazing experience and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store.
College girls, how did the semester end for you? Grades, activities, accomplished goals….I want to hear about it all! Do you have any final thoughts on your experience? Any other questions for me? Make sure to leave your thoughts in a comment!
I don’t know if this will get answered, but I’m a freshman and I’ve only been here a week but I don’t really have any friends. I’m living on the only all-girls floor on campus (not by choice) and I’m just feeling really excluded/secluded from all the other girls….is it normal to not make friends in my dorm? Is it possible to make friends more in my classes or clubs?
I absolutely love CF you give the best tips.
Wow! I loved your article from beginning to end! I enjoyed how you covered different aspects of being a freshman, like the tips to always carry a USB and to not buy all of your textbooks to the dating and relationship part! You’ve definitely become one of my favorite writers here on CF! I also admire your positivity and will try to do the same myself. I wish you the best for the New Year that is about to start, you deserve it!
Reading collegefashion has been my escape since I decided on a school. Since you first started posting, I felt immediate kinship as I was living each step as you were. You’ve helped me prepare for the transition and I’ve never been so happy, where I am, who I’m with and what I’m learning. Thank you so much! Currently, my friends are basically the kids who live in my dorm as my hall is really close (partially thanks to my weekly cake bonding sessions), but no one is really balanced – we’re split between kids who go out constantly and kids who never leave their dorm. Surprisingly, we all get along and have genuine connections, with me right in the middle of both, but I haven’t found people who are focused on both studying and partying – making the most of now but while driven by their future goals. Hopefully I can find some like-minded folks next semester!
This is such a good post, and so true! Even though the system here in my corner of Canada is much different (our college is only two years long, then it’s off to university, and we seldom move away and are forced to live in dorms), I understood completely a lot of what you wrote.
My first semester over, I realized, in part after reading your post, that these were the four most life-changing months of my life. I now know I need to work harder and not rush into things, especially relationships…
I flat out adore this post. I also just finished my first semester of college (and I’m Minnesotan! ) and so many of these ring true, but my FAVORITE is #2 on your list.
Everybody has this person in their head they want to be, but if that’s not the person you are, you won’t be happy trying to become that person. It took me WAY too long to figure that out 😛
So right about the folding hamper and going out with friends you trust. We went out with a huge group and since everyone didn’t really know who was going, people got split up and a few girls got lost with no ones phone numbers, luckily I stuck with my roomie and we found our way home together!
Also buy used books on Amazon.com if you don’t care that it’s in perfect condition and at the end of the quarter you can sometimes sell it back to the school bookstore for the same price. Don’t be surprised if they give you something sad like $0.50 for it, but hey at least you don’t have to go far to find a buyer 🙂
in my last year of my undergraduate and think this is really useful but … the comment about not rushing into relationships sounds a little bitter. Why not date someone in unviersity, who probably has similar interests as you? If you keep that party girl mentality that you should wait it out you might loose out on some pretty meaninful relationships (even if they don’t last).
Anyways, I’m obviously biased because I started dating my boyfriend in 1st year on the first day of frosh and am still with him / living with him
Anyways, I really did like the article anyways. Very true overall
I’m a sophomore also at school in Boston! This was a great series of posts, and you should definitely do one next year about exploring and life in the city!
I’m a junior in high school and this post was helpful in getting a good perspective on college
You’re absolutely right about all those things! Don’t be afraid to change, sometimes what you think in high school is completely different from what you want in college. As a junior in college it was a difficult choice to make a major change but now I’m glad I did it because I’ll be a double major in two fields I really enjoy. Also if you’re looking for cheap books, don’t hesitate to ask professors if you can use an older edition, usually things don’t change that much in one year! Also use abebooks.com, awesome site and everything is pretty cheap!
I was just looking back through my blog at all my freshman year posts. Amazing, how much you learn in just that first semester, isn’t it?
This is all so true. You’ve really done a great job with all of your posts for the last semester.
As a college senior, I can’t tell you just how right you are. You speak with so much wisdom to have only finished one semester! Congrats. (: