This post brought to you by BIC 4 Color. All opinions are 100% mine.

Here at CF, we’re big fans of organizing and color coding our planners and class notes. We’re also big fans of all varieties of “cute school supplies”.
With these sentiments in mind, we’re here to tell you about our new favorite school supply – the BIC® 4-Color™ pen, and how you can use it to color-code your notes, express your moods, or just use it to doodle our logo like I did above.
Table of Contents
Color-Coding Your Life with the BIC® 4-Color™ Pen
There are so many ways you can use this pen to color-code your life and get more organized. After experimenting with it for a few days, I found myself using it constantly. I love that it’s so easy to switch between colors when writing – this feature makes the pen perfect for note-taking and using with your daily planner.
Here are a few ideas for how you can use this pen to get organized:
- When note-taking in class, write key terms in red to make them pop. When you go back to study, they’ll jump out from the page and be easy to review.
- On a similar note, write dates in blue to easily keep track of them. Need to know when something happened? Now the important dates for your subject are easy to see.
- Use green to take note of different locations or color-code information pertaining to important events. You could also use it to denote information that your professor says will appear on the test.
- This pen is also perfect for color-coding your planner. Use different colors for different classes, or write class information with one color, extracurriculars with another, social events with another, and so forth.
- If you’re artistic and prone to doodling during class, it’s pretty obvious that this pen is way better for art than your standard black or blue one. (See my CF logo doodle above.)
As you can see, the possible uses for this pen are pretty endless! But one thing’s clear – if you’re a fan of color-coding, organizing, and adding personality to your notes, this is definitely a must-have school supply.
The Many Personalities of the BIC® 4-Color™ Pen
This pen’s tag line is 4 Inseparable Colors in 1 Pen. To show the ways that this pen can help you express your personality, BIC has created a few zany videos to show off the fourdifferent “personalities” within the pen. Check them out below – which one is most like you?
Get Your Own Pen & More Info
Need a BIC® 4-Color™ pen of your own? Of course you do! Get yours by purchasing on Amazon or Staples.
Also, if you’d like to see more content from BIC, including more wacky videos featuring the personalities of the 4-Color pen, be sure to follow them on Facebook and Twitter.
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by BIC and the pen was provided for free. The opinions, as always, are our own. For more information, please see our Disclosure page.