Let me just start by saying that I am most definitely not a morning person, and this is aimed at my fellow non-morning people. But regardless of whether you wake up bursting with energy, let’s be honest: we can all do a little better with our mornings.
We’ve all snoozed our alarm clocks one too many times, mismatched our clothes in a rush, skipped covering a pretty alarming looking zit, or not had the time to take a last glance over those flashcards before a quiz like we wanted or planned to.
So, what exactly can a super busy student do to lighten their morning load? Below I’ve outlined six easy ways to make you love mornings just a tiny bit better!
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1. Lay your clothes out at night
One guaranteed way to look and feel amazing all day is to have a hassle-free time getting dressed in the morning. This seems like basic advice, but I don’t just mean pick your t-shirt out at midnight before you fall asleep — I mean take out every single item of clothing from your underwear to your socks to your earrings, and put them in a designated part of your room where they won’t wrinkle (maybe on a hanger on the door or on the back of a chair). That way, you don’t have to worry about a thing in the morning and can basically get dressed with your eyes closed!
2. Don’t let yourself go hungry

Overnight oats are a game-changer. They are a super easy way to stay healthy and ensure you have a great start to the day (we’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day)! Let’s be real: eggs and avocado toast are a little too ambitious for those of us who have morning classes (if you can do it though, kudos to you, and please share your tips with me!). Overnight oats, however, take only 2-3 minutes of preparation at night, and are both cost-effective and delicious! Recipes are all over the internet and can range from apple cinnamon to birthday cake – my personal favorite involves cocoa powder, almond milk, and goji berries!
3. Wake up at least an hour before your first class
This doesn’t sound fun, I know, but trust me when I say that it will make a huge difference to have that extra time to freshen up, skim some notes, watch a YouTube video, or apply an extra coat of mascara. Personally, doing this allows me to fully wake up before my first class, and stay more alert throughout the day because I know I have time to mentally prepare myself for whatever I have going on, no matter how chaotic the schedule.
4. Make a morning playlist
This sounds a little cheesy, and it might not be for everyone, but giving yourself a fun, upbeat alarm is a really easy way to wake up smiling. Whichever alarm app you use, customizing the song to something you love listening to with a fun upbeat rhythm might actually make you want to get out of bed and have a great day! Once you’ve shut it off, keep the good feeling going with a morning playlist (Spotify has some good ones.) This will help you start your day in a positive mood.
5. Grab and Go Mentality
No matter how early you wake up, we are all a little more prone to forgetting things in the mornings. This is why I keep things I’m going to need (iPad/laptop that was charging overnight, scarf, beanie, flash cards for review) right in my face for a seamless and quick morning pack. A large command hook on the back of my door is reserved for my scarf/coat/lanyard, and I’ve found it extremely useful! You could try putting your laptop or notebook or any accessories right on the edge of your desk or on any furniture that’s right by the door, and remember to always keep important things near or in your bag so you don’t leave them behind!
Bonus Tip: Invest in a Tech Assistant
One last tip that I have, if you’ve got a little extra cash to spend, is to invest in an Amazon Echo Dot or Google Home Mini. It’s really helpful to ask about the weather or time when you’re getting dressed; I have mine set to play my morning playlist automatically and also read me the weather and news! Plus, you can set morning reminders, and have them repeat at various customizations to best suit you. These products cost around $30 and, in my opinion, are well worth the investment!
Let me know how it goes!
I hope these tips have been useful; honestly keeping an organized morning and really thinking through your routine is a great way to keep some consistency throughout the semester. If you want to, a great thing to do is to wake up at the same time every day, regardless of when your first class starts. This will keep some sort of routine in your life and help you schedule things better, and when things seem chaotic, having something that never changes can be really calming!
I’d love to hear about your morning routine — whether you incorporated something you read today or if you’ve got another suggestion, tell me about it in the comments!
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