While socializing, crossing things off your to-do list, and taking care of your responsibilities are important and necessary things to do, making time for yourself is an essential part of living a happy and healthy life.
“Me time” allows for deep thinking, self-discovery, self care, and time to reconnect with your feelings, helping you unwind and even reboot your brain.
Finding “me time” can be hard when you’re living a life full of jobs, internships, and school work, not to mention all of the relationships you have to maintain.
If you ever feel like you want to quit your job and move abroad with zero responsibilities, you’re probably just in need of some “me time.”
Wondering how to make time for yourself? Here are six ways I like to squeeze in a few minutes to myself every day.
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1. Enjoy your morning routine
Mornings are often the busiest part of the day. Between dragging yourself out of bed, eating breakfast, getting glammed up, and throwing an outfit together, it can be hard to find even 10 minutes to chill.
As hard as it may be, I try to wake up 30 minutes earlier than I need to, in order to give myself that “me time.” There’s nothing I hate more than feeling rushed, and waking up earlier ensures that I’ll have enough time to set my intentions for the day and make sure nothing’s forgotten when I leave my apartment.
I like to use this extra time to do a little yoga, enjoy my breakfast, scroll through social media, and collect my thoughts. Giving yourself this peace in the morning will turn down your crankiness for the day!
Related reading: My Morning Routine (& How to Create Your Own)
2. Exercise
Exercise releases endorphins, making you happier, and it can reduce stress, relieve anxiety, fight insomnia, and boost confidence. These reasons should be excuse enough to get active!
Finding time to exercise in your already busy schedule can keep you from hitting the gym, but it’s all about working with the time you have. During the weekdays, incorporate a run into your morning routine or end your day at the gym. If you want to start small, take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk or bike instead of driving, find parking spots further away to get in those extra steps, or take a lap around the office.
Exercise doesn’t have to be an hour-long commitment. Find what works for you, and since exercise is so good for you, you won’t feel guilty sparing a few minutes of your day.
3. Schedule your time
This seems like an obvious way to find some “me time,” but scheduling your time efficiently can be a hard — yet worthwhile — habit to pick up.
The busier I get, the more I rely on my planner. It can be tedious, but I write down every single task, appointment, meeting, and due date, no matter how small, so I know exactly what I have to do. Visually seeing my to-do list helps me manage my time and see where I can squeeze in a little “me time” everyday.
4. Embrace your commute
Long commutes in rush hour traffic are something many of us face. As annoying as it may be, it’s a time where you’re forced to be alone with your thoughts, so use it to your advantage.
Download your favorite music, some podcasts, or an audiobook of that one book you’ve been meaning to read. If you couldn’t sit down for breakfast, pour yourself a cup of coffee for the road and eat your breakfast on the go.
5. Disconnect before bed
This is probably the hardest thing for me to do on this list — can you guys relate? It’s easy to get caught up in social media, email, and the internet before dozing off at night, but I promise you’ll thank yourself in the morning for those extra minutes of sleep you’ll get by disconnecting yourself.
To make it easier for myself to disconnect at bedtime, I like to put my phone on silent and keep it on the nightstand. If I’m feeling restless, I’ll pick up a book and read until I fall asleep. If you’re an essential oils kind of gal, lavender will help you wind down (and reduce your urge to check Instagram) and get some deep sleep.
6. Make yourself a priority
Sometimes, it’s completely okay to be selfish and make yourself a priority. It’s great to care for and look after others, but you may unintentionally be putting yourself on the back-burner by always offering your time to those that need it.
So take a break from being a yes-woman and prioritize your own needs. Take a day to do whatever you want, whether it’s a day full of online shopping, working on a hobby, binge-watching your favorite shows, or just napping.
Giving yourself time and space is beneficial for self-love, and it can also help you keep going for everyone else.
When you find moments to yourself, pat yourself on the back for everything you’ve accomplished that day, even the small things.
How do you make time for yourself?
How do you find “me time” when you have a jam-packed schedule? Share your tips in the comments below!