It sort of feels like we’re moving at snail speed, right? It’s as if this semester couldn’t drag on any longer.
But no worries; in just a few short weeks we will have hot summer bliss for three straight months, with no interruptions from class or homework and can take a small but much-needed breath of fresh air.
We all know that the end of the semester is hard, but we can sometimes get so caught up in the mess of papers, tests, projects, and more that we begin to slack on taking care of ourselves, both physically and mentally.
Below I’ve compiled a list of five ways for you to practice self-care both mentally and physically at the end of the semester. These end of semester self care tips are some that I have found helpful when I’m stressed and struggling.
Table of Contents
1. Put the homework away and pull out one of your favorite books.
You might be asking yourself: who wants to read after doing hours of homework? I swear, though, you’d be surprised at how much this actually helps.
Even if it’s for ten minutes, sit down and read. It will help relax your mind and body and allow you to divert your attention and thoughts elsewhere for a brief period of time. Need a book recommendation? Here are some books you can read when you’re short on time.
2. Cook lunch/dinner for yourself (if you have a kitchen).
If you’ve had a day full of homework, taking a break and cooking yourself lunch or dinner can be helpful. As college students, we tend to like fast meals like fast-food, delivery or takeout, or easy-to-cook meals such as frozen meals or pizzas. But it’s so nice to treat yourself to something home-cooked (if you have a kitchen) once in a while.
Taking a break and allowing yourself the 45 minutes to an hour that it takes to cook a meal can benefit you both mentally and physically.
I like doing this because it gets me up on my feet after being stuck sitting at a desk or in front of a computer all day. It also drives my focus elsewhere which helps me stay balanced mentally.
If you need some meal ideas, Budget Bytes has tons of delicious things to cook that are easily affordable for college students.
3. Work on something that’s just for you.
Instead of working on something for school or work, take time to make progress on a project that’s only for you.
For instance, if you like to write, paint, or draw but have been too busy to do it, take time and do it for yourself. If you’re working on a blog, update it. If you’re a budding Instagram influencer, take some new photos just for fun. It’s important to keep yourself happy and to still enjoy your life outside of school.
Related reading: How to Glow Up Your Life, Inside and Out
4. Spend time with friends.
Whether school is stressing you out or you just need an outside distraction, spending time with friends is a great way to find balance in college.
Spending time with your closest friends will remind you that you’re not the only one struggling to keep the mental breakdowns to a minimum. Your bffs are all in the same boat; I’ve never heard any of my friends say that college is easy.
Spending time with friends is an important part of the college experience, and there’s no better way to let off some steam and start feeling normal again.
5. Clean your room/house.
Getting caught up in the mounds of homework can also cause us to slack on keeping things tidy. If you’re in a dorm or have your own room inside of a house, take some time and clean it.
I always say I hate cleaning but am always finding this a helpful tool to help me remain balanced and healthy. I feel so much better when my room is clean!
There’s nothing better than being able to do your homework in a clean and comfortable area so putting the time aside can help put you in a more relaxed mindset.
To get started, check out our end-of-semester cleaning guide!
Though this list of things to do can cost you a little extra time, I promise they’ll help you take care of yourself mentally and physically during the home-stretch to summer.
How are you planning on practicing self-care during these last few stressful weeks? Leave a comment below!