Spring break is so soon, you guys.
But it’s also that time in the semester where there are midterms! And extracurricular events!! And the post-winter-break relaxed feelings have faded!!! Plus what the heck are current events right now!? What is my future? What is the future of the world?!
I probably don’t need to describe all those emotions to you–feeling them is probably why you clicked on this post. “Tell me how to have fun during this crazy time, Katy,” you say. Well, I have a few ideas.
Of course, only you know what really relaxes you and boosts your mood. Remember the importance of taking time for yourself–be it a night curled up with Netflix or taking an afternoon to explore a place off campus. Big or small, it’s important to prioritize giving yourself a break and having a little fun.
As college students, we know that sometimes the weekly routine can just seem so ho-hum. Here are 12 little ways to treat and motivate yourself, and to give you some things to look forward to this week.
1. Make a themed playlist. Sure, you probably have your go-to playlist of your fave tunes, or even one tailor-made for studying or getting ready for a party. But I’m talking about a much more middle-school version of the themed playlist. Make a list of songs that reminds you of you and your best friends, your significant other, your favorite fandom couple, or yeah, your ex. Even if you never listen to it in order, thinking about the songs that fit your chosen situation is very entertaining. There’s a reason you made so many of these playlists in 8th grade: ’cause it’s fun.
2. Challenge yourself to do something. I know–in college, you’re probably challenging yourself every day. So I totally don’t mean this in a stressful way. Challenge yourself to do something that you’ve been wanting to try, but have been a little nervous (or too lazy) to do. I’m talking saying hi to a new group of people, trying that tricky trend, or finally starting that Twitter account for all your high-larious musings. You’ll feel so accomplished when you finally tackle it!
3. Imagine your dream wardrobe. I spend a lot of time on Net-A-Porter, and it’s certainly not because the stuff on there is in my price range. No, even though most of the fashion on the one-stop-designer-shopping site is unattainable, I imagine what I would wear if I were a celeb or a high-powered fashion editor. If you make an account on the site, you can actually make and save a wishlist. Who cares if you’ll never buy any of those things? Your fantasy designer wardrobe is only a click away.
4. Take a (fun) quiz. I had totally forgotten about the timed-trivia website Sporcle until I spied it pulled up on a fellow classmate’s computer screen. The site has endless categories ranging from entertainment to fashion to science and history. You can take really specific quizzes on your fave books and shows. Plus, their trivia games come in different forms, so you can do everything from matching words with definitions to completing a Harry-Potter-themed logic puzzle.
5. Watch Billy on the Street. This is the perfect show for taking a twenty-minute study break, and most of the episodes are on Hulu. (I wouldn’t recommend watching it in the library, though, since you’ll undoubtedly LOL.) The premise of this comedy gameshow is simple: Billy Eichner (you know him from Parks and Rec) runs around New York city asking random, unassuming people obscure and often NSFW questions about celebs and pop culture. Sometimes they win money, sometimes they win dioramas of Gabourey Sidibe getting a pedicure. Yeah. You need to see it to believe it.
6. Try a creative combo in the dining hall. Perhaps the only thing more boring than a two-hour lecture is bland dining hall food. You surely have your standbys, but maybe mix it up this week like an amateur Rachel Ray. Some of me and my friends’ faves? Try Nutella in a tortilla like a mock crepe, a bacon grilled cheese, or spicing up pasta with some ingredients from the salad bar.
7. Treat yourself to some cute new school supplies. If heading to the campus bookstore is on your to-do list this week, treat yourself to something that will make doing your piles of HW a little more fun. I know I’m a nerd, but freshly sharpened pencils and cute little notebooks waiting to be filled with ideas put a smile on my face.
8. Make a list of your favorite things. Cue Julie Andrews singing about what to do when the dog bites, when the bee stings. But remembering your favorite things is also a great thing to do when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed. It will remind you that there are things in the world beyond your philosophy textbook, your math problem set, or your resume.
9. Wear cute shoes. A super-easy way to brighten your day is with some fabulous footwear. Funky flats in a crazy print, edgy sneakers, or studded booties are conversation starters that are sure to get you tons of compliments and put a literal spring in your step.
10. Rewatch a favorite show. This is my go-to way to decompress at school. After a busy day, sometimes I just want to turn off my brain and not have to process a ton of crazy new plotlines or try to get into a new series. Watching a CSI where I know whodunit or a New Girl where I know my fave line is coming but still laugh just as hard when it does is strangely soothing.
11. Give a compliment. Okay, maybe it sounds cliche. But if someone in your history class is wearing a gorgeous scarf or if someone on your floor never fails to brighten your day, why not tell them so? Good vibes lead to more good vibes.
12. Let yourself be spontaneous. This is where I struggle the most. I tend to get through college by planning everything out ahead of time. This strategy is helpful overall, but often means I don’t let myself stop and smell the flowers. Even if you make a set plan, do something outside of your normal routine, like getting off campus or going to a movie. Email an old favorite professor asking if they want to grab lunch. Or, if it’s a beautiful day, remind yourself that work can wait a half hour while you take a stroll.
What do you think?
What little ways do you find to have fun when school is stressing you out? Any great websites or TV recommendations? Will you try any of these ideas? Let me know in the comments.