I Tried It… TRESemmé Fresh Start Dry Shampoo

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Tresemme Fresh Start Dry Shampoo

At 6:45 a.m. on the Monday morning after Thanksgiving break, I had approximately 2.5 minutes to get ready and get out the door to make it on time to my 8 a.m. class. Like almost all Monday mornings, I went to reach for my favorite dry shampoo – Oscar Blandi Pronto Dry Shampoo – to rejuvenate my hair that I hadn’t washed since Saturday night… except, I couldn’t find it. Of course, I left it on my home bathroom counter, 3000 miles away, and for the remainder of the day, my oily hair was safely hidden under an incredibly unfashionable baseball cap.

As soon as I got out of class (well, after a much-needed shower and some hair-washing), I raced to Walmart to find a replacement for my Oscar Blandi. My college town doesn’t have a Sephora, so I was in search of cult favorites Psst or Batiste. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find either of them. However, I did see TRESemmé’s Fresh Start Dry Shampoo. I purchased it (for about $4), and was ecstatic about finding a dry shampoo that cost less than my favorite Starbucks order.

What is it?

TRESemmé Commercial - April 2010

TRESemmé’s product, like all dry shampoos, promises a clean head of hair without the hassle of washing – perfect for making that blowout last a day or two longer. Basically, you spray the product at your roots, brush it out, and voila– oil-free, clean hair.

The dry shampoo market isn’t perfect – even the best products (like my beloved Oscar Blandi) can give dark hair a greyish tint and take a while to completely brush out, so I really did not have high expectations for TRESemmé’s dry shampoo. I figured as long as it made my hair look not disgusting then I’d be happy. After all, I’d bought it for $4, so really, how could it even be a waste of money?

How did it work?

6:45 a.m., Wednesday morning: I reached for the TRESemmé and sprayed it on my roots. I waited a few minutes while I put on mascara/brow pencil, and then brushed my hair out. When I looked in the mirror, I expected marginally clean, maybe a bit matte, hair.

What I actually got was flat, lifeless, greyish greasy hair. Never before have I used a hair product that’s made my hair look worse than before I used it. Imagine how your hair looks after three or four days without washing it, and that’s how my hair looked after using this product. Some dry shampoo doesn’t exactly clean, but makes hair more voluminous- not this, as my hair fell flatter than before.

Honestly, I cannot see any positive use for this product. It might be one of the worst hair products I’ve ever personally tried – my roommate even tried it and hated it. This is definitely a waste of money – that $4 could have been better spent almost anywhere; even baby powder would have been more effective for the money. So if you’re looking for a good dry shampoo, don’t look to TRESemmé – you’ll end up disappointed.

Your thoughts?

Have you guys tried TRESemmé’s dry shampoo? What did you think? What is your favorite dry shampoo? Tell me in the comments!

72 thoughts on “I Tried It… TRESemmé Fresh Start Dry Shampoo”

  1. I also used it and really hated it (one positive use was for making white streaks in my hair for halloween – it worked gangbusters for that)! I can’t buy Batiste locally either, but you can order it on amazon for pretty cheap, I have a stockpile.

  2. The only dry shampoo I have ever tried is TIGI’s rockaholic dry shampoo, and I have been using it for years now. I absolutely love it, and I’ve never had a bad experience with it. I have dark brown hair, and the lighter spray easily brushes out so it isn’t noticeable.
    Thanks for your post on this dry shampoo, I’ve been wanting to try a cheaper dry shampoo (the stuff I use is $18 a bottle) but I know not to waste my money on this!!

  3. This was my first experience with dry shampoo, and I thought all dry shampoos were like this! Good to know they’re not!

  4. I agree with the dry shampoo review but I’ve used the “dry shampoo foam” or whatever by treseme and i LOVE this stuff.. try this stuff instead especially if you have wavy to curly hair.

  5. I have tried both the tresemme spray and foam pump for dry shampoo, they both make your hair worse than before. You would be better off with a scarf or headband to hide the grease.

  6. is it really that hard to bathe? i don’t mean to sound like a b*tch but seriously, i go to school full time and work full time but still manage to get a shower everyday

  7. I just use cornstarch! It’s really cheap for a big box of it and it works great for blondes. I don’t think it would work as well for dark haired girls because it is white, but it makes a great replacement for baby powder if you don’t like the smell.

  8. I’ve never used TRESemme Fresh Start, but I love my dry shampoo. My bangs can get start to look super greasy after a day without washing them, and Blow’s Faux Dry is a life-saver. I sprinkle some on, brush it through and my hair looks as good as it did the day before. And honestly, because you only have to use a little bit at a time, it lasts forever.

  9. This dry shampoo was the first one I used. I believed all dry shampoos were like this, (due to a lack of research) so I believed they were ineffective. I loved this review because now I know it was just this dry shampoo! Can’t wait to try some of the others you mentioned.

  10. Dry shampoo is the ultimate invention in beauty. It definitely works and cuts time down in the morning if you don’t have time to wash your hair. A good tip is that you can use it to help create volume when styling.

  11. I agree. This dry shampoo made my hair look s***. After spraying it on, I brushed it through excited to see the outcome. And what it felt like running my fingers through my hair was a dirty mop. DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT if you would like to look like a human being and not a monster.

  12. I use this stuff! I buy it religiously! However, NOT for dry shampoo! I use it on my hair when I’m back combing and teasing it! I spray it on the chunk of hair I’m working on before back combing and it gives it a lot more texture for my hair to hold onto. My hair is notoriously straight and flat, and its super slippery so when I back comb without this stuff it just falls out and refuses to stay put. So with a little spray of this stuff and my trusty Aqua Net I can get my hair to reach the stars (sans tacky bumpits). 🙂

  13. You know what? A youtube guru raved about this product and I’m sure that she wan’t like intentionally lying or getting paid to say it but either way she piqued my ineterest about this product. My hair gets really oily FAST, so since I growing up I’d wake up in a rush and not really need to do my hair all over again cause I had just washed it the night before and straightened it and all and I wished I could just stick my head under the faucet and JUST wash my roots. In fact, I think I’d tried it before at some point of desperation. So when I’d heard about the concept of dry shampoo and then found one that supposedly worked wonders for $4 I was ECSTATIC. Needless to say this product also disappointed me but since I’d heard such a rave about it I was trying to convince myself that I had used it wrong… Now I know that this prodcut just SUCKS 🙂 Thanks for the review!

  14. I actually have been using this product for a while now and whenever I haven’t washed my hair for a few days, I definitely use this dry shampoo on straightened hair. Now I don’t have very oily hair to begin with (I can go up to 6 days without washing my hair), but when I use this product I end up with so much more volume. The trick I use for getting the best results is just spraying it all over my roots and then just rapidly go through my hair with my fingers with almost massaging motions. I found that brushing the product out leaves a bunch of white residue on my brush, but my fingers work kust great.


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